Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Break- Day 3

The girls were playing with friends today, so I thought I would tackle a wee little project:

I started sanding this morning. I had to remove 4, oh yes, count 'em- 4, coats of paint. It only took 4 hours. 4 hours!! My project hit a slight blip when Addie asked if she could help sand, so I handed the electric sander right over. After about a minute, she leaned her head down by the sander and her hair sucked right up into the engine. Pulled it straight outta her head and killed the sander all at once. It shocked her so much it made her stop talking. That's quite a big deal, you know. I had to borrow a friend's sander after that. I promised not to let Addie use it.

I'll eventually paint the table black. But first, I have to regain the feeling in my arms. I typed this blog post with my nose. I'm talented like that.


  1. I can stick my tongue up my nose, does that count for talent?? :) HA! The table will look awesome! Hope Addie regains her voice soon :)

  2. Nothing funner then a project. (Except maybe when the project is done). We are starting a new enrichment group as soon as the yard sales start. It will be a project group. Everyone will find something old and ugly that can be made beautuful and we'll spend the day sanding and painting. How fun is that!!

  3. I want to see the finished table (Black)- and where are you going to use it? Take a picture sitting in your house with stuff on top.

    love y'all
