Monday, March 2, 2009

More Cousins!

This weekend my brother Kirk and his family flew in from Denver. My kids literally almost exploded from excitement. I, on the other hand, spent all my energy trying to persuade my brother that we were NOT going canoeing in the neighborhood lake. He even tried to get all the adults to play Twister, but I stood my ground. I don't bend my standards for anyone. Ever.

Here are a few highlights....

Kennedy and Kellie riding the coaster
This is Campbell. She is a mini tornado.
She doesn't walk-she runs.
She doesn't talk-she yells.
So. Dang. Adorable!

Addie learned that if you hold your head under the hand dryer, it can tie your hair in knots.

Have I ever mentioned that genius runs in my family? My brother quickly figured out how to station the kids at each hole to whack each mole and gain the maximum amount of tickets. I don't know who enjoyed it more, him or the kids.

Cousins that swing together, stay together.


  1. I'm so jealous that it's not us in those pictures!!! Fun times!

  2. looks like fun! Good to see Kirk and kids - all the cousins are soooo cute!

  3. How fun!!! What a great time! I remember those awesome cousin visits- they are the best! Glad you guys had a terrific time! And I'm with you on the canoeing thing :)

  4. Oli was just saying the other day that he misses his friend Bubba.
