Monday, March 16, 2009

Addie Hearts George

Yesterday Addie started a campaign to teach the lesson for family home evening. As soon as I agreed, she gave me a list of supplies to buy for her. So tonight, we made George Washington's log cabin out of stick pretzels. It was a glue fest. She could not have been more excited.

As we all glued and colored (and she told us we were all doing it wrong), she told us endless tidbits about old George: his axe was red and he cut down a tree, "One time when they didn't have food, George Washington killed a turkey, but then he cried and he never, never killed a turkey again. They cut that turkey in half and ate it." George had brown hair, and "they didn't have any bricks, so they had to use trees to build their houses."

Addie's rendering--at close inspection, George isn't wearing a shirt. Maybe he was hot and sweaty after killing the turkey:

Sam made George look like a stick and made sure to point out that he has fake teeth:

Makell just kept on gluein'. She glued right over all the windows, the door and the sidewalk. She did tell us that she ate several pretzels covered in glue and it was "no big deal":

Thanks for a great family home evening George. Your log cabin was tasty.


  1. I heart Addie. and Sam. And Makell's pretzel and glue filled belly. and I suppose I love George too

  2. I like George's pink door - very stylish!

  3. So fun! I love the drawings. Plus, it's good to know when things get bad, we can eat glue.
