Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Twelve Moments Of Christmas

1. Extreme elation that comes when a Nana bypasses all parental arguments and buys Sam EXACTLY what she wants. She is no longer the lone human in the universe who doesn't have a cell phone.

2. Hearing Makell exclaim, "All my dreams came true!" Then watching her zip out the door and realizing that 15 mph is really fast.

3. Finding a present that so eloquently describes the recipient.

4. For the child who loves bacon--bacon bandaids.

5. ....and gummy bacon.

6. Fulfilling an obsession for dry erase markers (to teach school with).

7. Santa giving exactly what was asked for.

8. Sweet babies to hold.

9. Matching jammies.

10. An ingenious use for the boppy pillow.

11. 70 degree weather in the middle of winter.
Perfect temperature for a tetherball showdown.

12. Falling asleep at 5:00 pm from an overabundance of excitement.



  1. LOVE IT!!! Especially the sweet babies to hold :)

  2. Oh I wish I was there for the fun. We're remodeling the kitchen for our Christmas and I haven't showered for days and have been covered in dust and paint. Things look so clean and relaxing in Texas!

  3. 70 degree weather? That's my kind of winter!

  4. Bacon Band-aids!? Hilarious! Love the matching PJs and am glad you shared your Christmas fun and excitement! Looks like it was a perfect day.

  5. I'm thinking about coming back to Texas with my parents..... will Emily, Travis and the babies still be there? When do they leave? I promise I won't be a nuiscance.....I will bring presents! :)

  6. Those Bacon band-aids, well I think that I'm speachless! It looks like ya'll had a great christmas and we wish you a very merry new year!

  7. Hey, when can you convice my mom to get me a cell-phone?
