Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Experiment Upon My Word

This is the entrance to our back door. It is the main door that we ALL use at least 84 times each day. For some reason that I have yet to discover, the girls leave their shoes here. Right outside the door. If they would actually open the door and take 1 step, they could put their shoes INSIDE the house.

I'm so sick of picking up everyone's shoes, I could just gnaw my finger off. So, I decided to try an experiment. I would leave them. Surely someone OTHER THAN ME (and there is another adult who lives here) would pick them up:

It is now 10 days later. Just look at the progress:

For the love of sanity people!! Pick. Up. Your. Crap.


  1. Make sure to dip your finger in chocolate first. It goes down much better!

  2. I have an identical pile at my front door...and my kitchen floor...and my laundry room!!

  3. I assume I am the other adult you are refering about. Why would I pick up their shoes? I leave when it is dark and get home when it is dark so I hardly notice the shoes. Shouldn't our lazy little beauties learn to pick up their own shoes?

  4. We have the same collection but it spread all over the house and also includes several pairs of mens shoes.

  5. I have become a collector of PILES. At my house, any bare spot on the floor deserves a pile. How do you train?!? Seriously, i am looking for suggestions, and waiting for 'Oprah's clean up your messy house' tour to stop by.

  6. You could do what my mom did -she started hiding them or she would put them on my bed (gross the bottom of your shoe has more germs than the inside of a toilet). If we didn't know where they were that was our problem. It was supper annoying but I didn't leave my shoes there anymore. Best of luck!

  7. Yeah, I got my kids to step inside the house, but the laundry room looks like that times about 30 pairs of shoes. Boys have no appreciation for shoes at all :). I have a huge bin that is directly next to the pile, which is usually close to empty. Gotta love it!

  8. I'm pretty sure that your experiment would have the same outcome at my house.

  9. Maybe everyone in the family has far too many shoes. Only 2 pair per person may solve the problem. I wonder who buys all those shoes?

  10. HEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE Don't let my mom see this or we will be in trouble
