Saturday, November 15, 2008

Colorful Bras

For as long as I can remember, I've longed to wear a colored bra. Especially black. But no matter where I shop, black bras don't exist in minuscule sizes. So, it's always been white. My sister actually found a fleshy colored bra for my birthday one year. It made me instantly feel like a grown-up. I had a roommate in college who's mom would send her a matching bra and undies for every holiday. Until that time I had no idea you could even buy bras with christmas trees on them. I was riveted at the sight.

Yesterday I was having a conversation with some friends and the discussion turned to boobs. Each of these girls for surely could fit in christmas tree bras. I told them that my bras are sold in the juniors department. In a box. With a 12 year old on the front. They proceeded to tell me that their endowment can actually be a burden. Huh? What a lie. "It's true", they said. "Crumbs get stuck in my bra all the time". "Oh, and last night I took off my bra and there was a piece of bread in there!" Hello!? How fantastic is that! Your boobs are big enough to lodge a piece of bread! A piece of bread! I was spinning with jealousy. "Sometimes you have to move them over so your kids can sit next to you." Holy moly, it's like the most ultimate accessory. The mere fact that you can move them makes me covet. Wow. Some people are just more lucky than others.

While these ladies were comparing bra sizes, I came to the realization that my bra size is the equivalent to the smallest size of batteries. Nice thought. I think I'm going to just shove a piece of bread in there to make myself feel better. Of course, it won't stay there long. Its just going to fall and get stuck in my belt.


  1. I too have always been jealous of boobs... I wish I could justify the cost of a boob job but my future tummy tuck will have to take priority.

  2. Maybe hide candy there :) A handful of Peanut M&Ms might just to the trick to get a nice B!
    Luv ya- Candy

  3. we can be thankful that gravity has no effect on them :) let me know if the bread helps! though u r in a a very humid climate...don't let mold set in :P love & miss y'all!!!

  4. One year after I had Madison and I got pretty thin (I know, hard to belief!) My boobs shrank up pretty bad. I always wanted smaller boob but looking like a boy was not all that great. I looked stupid in a bathing suit! Tell Todd to get a second job to finance your boob job.

  5. You are the best!!! ... "a piece of bread! A piece of bread!!!" You crack me up! You have inspired me to buy a colored bra myself. =) Did the bread fall down into your belt. Make sure you let us know how that went!

  6. This post is too funny--mabye because I can relate!!?? I, too, am jealous of all those who can shop outside the Juniors dept. (or better yet, Victoria's Secret) to get their bras. I doubt those of us in that boat will never understand how others could think their overrated. I guess it would be kind of annoying to get bread or crumbs stuck there, though.

  7. Lisa, I am telling you - you should write a book. It would be a great read.

  8. Okay, sorry, but I totally understand what these ladies are saying. And I have already promised one of mine each to Jenn and Emily when I die. Emily used to tell me how big mine were like 100x a day. Once for Halloween she stuffed one of my bras with socks and wore it...she looked kind of hookerish.
