Friday, October 31, 2008

Wild Witches

Today was my kind of holiday. More candy than you can carry.
Its the perfect plan on a legalized holiday.

Wild...yes. Cute...definitely.

Uh, is he smiling because its funny, or because he likes it?

I hope your Halloween was as wild as ours....


  1. I think Todd likes the wig! What fun!

  2. O.K. I can totally hear Todd laughing. Man, I miss you guys.

  3. My kids always want to give up before I think they have enough candy.

  4. Love the girls in their costumes. Todd looks a little scary but I guess that is the point of Halloween.

  5. Todd looks an awful lot like Hannah Montana in that wig. Can he carry a tune - he might be able to quit his day job.

  6. Aren't they always witches? Lisa, next year, can you promise me you will think of something more creative than witches? I think Sami will enjoy that.
