Saturday, October 11, 2008

Twins Update

For those of you following my sister and her twins (and don't have access to her blog), I thought I would post a quick update...

Emily has been in the hospital (again) since Monday. Baby B is not growing. She is 1.12 oz. and Baby A is 3.3 oz. Through ultrasound, the doctor can see that the artery in Baby B's umbilical cord is damaged. This means that her placenta is not working properly. She is not receiving the right blood flow, nutrition, etc. They don't know how long the damage has been there or why it occurred. They just know that she is not doing well. Emily has been given steroids to strengthen the babies lungs and they are being monitored constantly. If Baby B becomes ANY more distressed, the babies will immediately be delivered by cesarean. Emily is currently 30 weeks and the goal is to get to 32 weeks (Oct. 20th). She will not be leaving the hospital until they are born.

To add to her stress, her husband Travis, works for Merrill Lynch (crazy stress), they are in the process of moving, and she has kidney, does my life look like a cinch or what!?

Prayers, love, messages to the universe are welcome. I'll keep you posted.


  1. All of the above- prayers, love and messages sent their way!!

  2. Wow, talk about nail biting! We will send out our prayers to her and her family.

  3. We will pray. Thanks for the update.

  4. Big B was born at 32 weeks with, from it sounds like, something very similar. He came into the world a whopping 2lbs. 13 inches long. Today he is my most determined, intense, determined, happy, did I mention determined, child.
    We will send our prayers her way and wish them all the best.
