Monday, June 23, 2008

Texas Safari

Who knew that you could find 80 acres in Texas that are set aside to resemble an African Safari? Today we braved the heat and the flies and went on an adventure. You ride in an open tram throughout the 80 acres. The animals walk right up to you and eat out of your bucket of food. Fantastic.

I didn't know that Texas Longhorns can be found on an African Safari.

Holding our buckets of food while behind us the 'world's largest rodent' eats his vegetables. I guess that even rodents follow the food pyramid.

Feeding from our buckets.

As we drive by the enclosed alligator pond, Makell asks, "so, what do alligators eat?" My reply, "children". A few minutes later I heard her whisper to herself, "...alligators eat kids?"

We were informed that the ostrich brain is the size of a marble. Hmmm. If that's true, then some of the guys I dated were ostriches.

Sam feeding the ginormous buffalo. He got a little fiesty and completely took her bucket of food away from her.


  1. that looks like a lot of fun. Are you trying to be Mother of the year with all these outings.

  2. Cool find! And thanks for the "eating a chocloate bar in the closet" trick. I think that just might work!
