Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Windy City

I've been away. In Chicago. WITHOUT CHILDREN. Aahhhh, feel the bliss.

It's my mom's birthday--so my siblings and spouses met in Chicago to celebrate. My brother Tyler lives there. He set up an amazing 5 days for us all. He lives in a much different world than I do (think: Walmart vs. Saks Fifth Avenue), and after living in his for a few days, I think I really like it. I asked him if he would ever consider living in the same city as me. His response, "yes, just as long as you never came over."--I really think he's warming up to me.

Being with my family is an all out event. Serious fun. So much laughter, you almost pee your pants or stop breathing. Here are a few snapshots of what we did:

My sister Emily and husband Travis in Chinatown.

Me, my mom, my sister at Wicked.
Elphaba and Glinda. Can't breathe...so fantastic...
This show was so amazing. Loved, Loved, Loved!

On the airplane.
I don't fly. I hate to fly. Wait, scratch that-I'm terrified to fly.
I just had to take a picture of myself to see what I look like when I'm terrified.
Just looking at this picture makes me feel like I'm going to barf on my keyboard.

Sister-in-law Vicki, Emily, Mom, Me
Downtown Chicago.

Private Museum Tour.
My mom and my brother Tyler.

All of us at a cooking class.
We cooked a 4 course meal and then got to eat it!!

Cooking class. Me, my sister, sister-in-law Vicki


  1. Where is Oprah!??!! Looks like a great trip! I am so glad you got a chance to get away and have some fun!

  2. I am seriously jealous!! Didn't you LOVE wicked?!! Glad you had such a great time.

  3. Happy Birthday Aunt Joan! If I close my eyes can I imagine myself in your bliss? What a fun week! I'm proud of you, I know airplanes aren't pleasant. Love and Miss you lots!

  4. Welcome home. How'd it go for your girls at home? Your trip looks great. Makes me wish I was your sis! Seriously, Wicked is the best. Glad you got to see it. How was that cooking class? I'd like to do that some time.

  5. Clearly I need to figure out a way to live in Tyler's world, too. Holy Crow. My siblings better get jobs.
