Thursday, March 20, 2008

Texans Love Jesus

OK--how fantastic are these mints!! Scripture Mints people! 'Fish shaped mints--Reaching The World One Piece At A Time'. And, you will never guess where I found them...the Hobby Lobby. Scripture Mints at the checkout counter at a craft store! Oh-my-gosh Texas is fantastic.

Since arriving in this state, I have heard more about how much Jesus loves me than I ever did in Utah. When I pay my toll at the tollbooth, the lovely lady says to me, "may the Lord bless your day"--amen, and I hope he helps me not to give these kids away to the car behind me.

Within the first couple of weeks that we were here, I had to register my van at the DMV. It is located in the same building that you take care of minor incidents with the law (there was quite a long line at this office). While I was waiting my turn, a woman who obviously had just finished taking care of her minor incident, was overcome with joy in the decision. She started jumping up and down and screaming--yes, screaming--"Thank you Jesus!!" I starred and gawked. Amazing. No one else seemed to find this behavior unusual. No one else starred with their mouth open like I did. The woman just kept thanking Jesus. She jumped and hollered all the way down the hall and out the doors.

Since then, I have thought about using this proclamation myself. The other day I found a pair of flip flops at Target on clearance for $1.98. What joy. I thought about thanking Jesus outloud with sincere emphasis, but decided against it. Instead, I just opened my scripture mints and whispered, "God bless Texas".


  1. HAHAHAHA!!! Isn't the south GRAND?!?!?! We have these moments quite often here in GA!

  2. I love it! And miss it! But I do get alot of Alohas and Mahalos here that I don't get in Texas.

    You are the best writer!

  3. Hey if you want this thing to be a little more fancy shmancy then go to my blog, link to Hanson Family blog, and scroll down to her Free blog layout post. That is where I got my new digs!

    Also, the next post after that is about the Twilight movie!

  4. you are seriously making my life bearable with your blog. I say God bless Queen Foster for finding gems in the great state of texas that are uhhh-mazing.
