Sunday, October 14, 2012


We collectively claim them. After all, they are Ours. My sister can't possibly think she gets them all to herself. Because she doesn't.

About 3 years ago, I noticed that whenever one of my kids drew a picture of our family, it included the twins. They feel like they have always been a part of Us. These babies have seeped into the skin of this family and settled for keeps. Just the way we like it.

Today they are 4.
And today we celebrate that they are the gift that keeps on giving.
Happy Birthday our Keags and Rys.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Homecoming Is Like Christmas

It's stress and money. That's how Homecoming is like Christmas. Epiphany, no? Because, let me tell you, I stressed. And I spent money. The only thing absent from the whole event was the wrapping paper.

Within a 5 day period, I was at the mall for 3 of them. Shopping, returning, hunting for the right jacket, returning some more. At first, I started keeping track of the number of stores I was going to. On day 2, I hit store #19, and I stopped counting. It made by brain hurt.

But then, on Saturday, she walked down the stairs, hair done, dress perfect. And it really was like Christmas. For me.

Friday, October 5, 2012

She Drives

She is now an official driver. One I can send to the store to fetch me stuff. Like Reese's Cups.

As she drove us home on the freeway and moved in and out of lanes, she said, "Wow. It's just like a cross country meet....But with cars."
